Meet America’s Holistic Beauty Dr. Kristen Poe

Kristen Poe is a Functional Health practitioner with a PhD in alternative Medicine, also a Doctorate in Nephropathic medicine (connective tissue and fascia specialist). She is on the Advisory Board member of the American Nephropathic Association, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition by the NANP, and she has international accreditation as Certified Sexologist by the American Board of Sexology.

Kristen Poe is also a graduate of Loveology University, and I am so proud of all her accomplishments that I couldn’t wait to interview Kristen and share her story with you. I asked her questions that related to Loveology Universities new Healing Course for Self-Healing & new Certified Healing Program for Coaches.

AVA: Tell us about how you landed in the holistic medicine world with such a diverse educational & professional background?

POE: Getting into the Functional Medicine world wasn’t on my original radar. Out of college I had planned to follow in my father’s footsteps and attend medical school. However, my junior year of college I was granted an internship with a large pharmaceutical company, which led me down a different path.  I pursued a career in the pharmaceutical industry after college and earned an MBA in Marketing. 

As time went on, my calling to be a health care practitioner never subsided.  I was unhappy and knew I needed to make some changes.  In addition to being unhappy in my career, I was working through a difficult and toxic relationship, and I found myself depressed, not taking care of myself, and feeling fatigue almost daily. 

I was making many poor health, nutrition and life choices. I knew I needed to do something and wasn’t on a good path.  I made positive changes in my physical and emotional health and became familiar with what it meant to have good nutrition. I made a pact to myself to start taking care of my health and wellness in as many ways as I could. 

I began exercising at the gym daily and got connected with my fantastic personal trainer Jen DiCandia and owner of NV Fitness.  She helped me start eating better (and understanding) what it meant to have a balanced diet.  This unlocked my passion for nutrition and exercising.  Not long after, I started training with her for fitness competitions. I was fascinated to learn that just by eating well and choosing the right foods, I felt like a new person, not to mention achieving a physique I never thought would be possible. 

This is when I realized I needed to take a step back, reflect on what was important to me, and follow my dreams.  I knew then that I wanted to pursue a career in health and help as many patients as I could optimize their health and wellness.  I started a very long journey of studying Functional medicine, nutrition and Naprapathy.  After almost 10 years of school and training, I opened my practice Poe Holistic Health in 2019.

AVA: Can you tell us about the difference between Holistic Health Therapy & Conventional Therapy?

POE: When we refer top conventional therapy, this is traditional western medicine, and that refers to our primary care providers, and other medical specialists, hospitals, tests, medications, procedures, and surgery. It is based on science and modern medicine, with the focus on curing and mitigating disease and illness and eliminating physical symptoms. Of course, we can’t put a price on all of our outstanding and lifesaving western medical providers, procedures and medications.

Functional Medicine/Holistic Health has a bit of a different methodology. It is based on a synergy of science, but also other non-traditional forms of healing, such as nutrition, alternative medicine (supplements, herbs, homeopathic, nutrition, exercise), energy medicine, and body work modalities. Its main goal is health optimization, and to hopefully prevent illness in the first place.

It is generally non-invasive, and very patient/client focused, with emphasis placed on empowering the client to facilitate healing with lifestyle modification. The focus on healing isn’t just physical, it also looks at the emotional/mind and spiritual connection to healing as well. Growing up in a western medical family, working in the industry myself, and now in the functional medicine world, I believe the best approach is open-mindedness and the synergy of both approaches.

AVA: The world needs a lot of healing & you offer personalized holistic health plans. What does your plan consist of and what kinds of ailments can it benefit?

POE: Each person is unique and so biochemically different. There is not a one size fits all approach. I take the time to get to know each patient, going through an in-depth initial appointment, reviewing their health history, concerns, and goals. I really look at it as a team approach, so based on their lifestyles and goals, we come up with a plan that best suits them and their lifestyle.

As I tell them, I compare working with me like a car ride to a new place. They’re driving and I am in the passenger’s seat giving directions. However, it is their ultimate decision if they want to turn right or left. I will support and meet anyone where they are in their life and health journey. The functional health approach can benefit almost anyone. I have patients all over the wellness spectrum. I have patients anywhere from athletes and competitive bodybuilders looking to fully optimize their health and take it to the next level, to others who have been managing symptoms of chronic illness for years with medications and procedures and are looking to incorporate lifestyle.

All recommendations will begin with going back to the basics. This includes healthy nutrition, optimal hydration, sleep, mineral balancing, vitamin/nutrient balancing, movement/exercise, grounding/nature (fresh air)/social interactions, compassion, self-reflection, self-care, and a positive growth mindset. From there, we will sometimes run lab work to further identify areas we can help support the body. I will then make recommendations for practitioner grade supplementation, herbs, or homeopathics that can help support whatever the patient has consulted for.

AVA: What healing solutions do you offer people living with specifically with chronic pain?

POE: In addition to Alternative Medicine, I am also a Nephropathic doctor, which is essentially a fascia and connective tissue specialist. Naprapathy is a manual medicine that is over 100 years old. It is often called the new “Old” manual medicine. The word Naprapathy comes from the Czechoslovakian word “napravit” which means to correct or fix, and the Greek word “Pathos” which means pain or suffering.

Naprapathy means to correct pain!

Including: hands-on connective tissues techniques & nutritional counseling. Instrument assisted soft-tissue mobilization (Graston Technique). Other therapeutic modalities (include heat, cold, light, radiant energy, Tok Sen, Cupping, etc.) Naprapathy can help increase mobility, circulation, reduce pain, increase feel good hormones, and promote vitality. I also do a full consultation and put together a practitioner grade supplement and herbal/homeopathic protocol to help support inflammation and chronic pain.

AVA: You are Board Certified in holistic nutrition; you offer organic whole food purification & cleaning solutions. Tell us what you recommend & how long it takes for healing to work?

POE: Like everything else, I believe there is not a one size fits all approach when it comes to nutrition. I take lifestyle, preferences, and health history into account and make nutrition suggestions based on this. However, I tend to lean toward a Mediterranean based eating model with almost all clients I work with.

The Mediterranean “diet” is known as one of the healthiest in the world because it is not truly a diet, but rather a lifestyle that is based on a variety of healthy foods, allows for occasional indulgences, and includes shared physical and social activities. Because of the wide variety of food choices included and the flexibility, a growing number of people have been able to adapt this lifestyle and are seeing positive results.

It includes all food groups, including meat and seafood, with emphasis on fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. It includes fewer ultra-processed foods, limited added sugar, and limited alcohol. It encompasses a” food as medicine” model, emphasizes moderation, and encourages both an active physical and social lifestyle, encompassing a holistic approach to nutrition. Like most thing, this is a lifestyle and a personal commitment to good nutrition, so it can certainly take time, especially if it is something new time, especially if it is something new.

AVA: I’m so impressed that you have written a children’s book to inspire kids to eat more fruits & vegetables.

POE: One of the biggest challenges with small kids is getting them to eat a balanced diet. They are very picky and typically don’t like vegetables. Several years ago I was dropping one of my daughters off at Kindergarten, and was reflecting on how difficult it is to get kids to eat enough, and to eat a balanced diet. One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is teaching them from a young age how to eat in a mindful and healthy way, because those habits carry over into adulthood.

I wanted to do something to help inspire kids and get them thinking about healthy foods. I came home that day and spent a few hours thinking about writing a children’s book and came up with Healthy Heath and His Magic Fruits and Vegetables, and Healthy Heather and Her Magic Fruits and Vegetables. Both on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

AVA: How would you define healing the mind, body & soul?

POE: When we think of health and wellness, it usually directs people to think of physical health. However, to be fully physically healthy, there needs to be a balance of mind/body and soul. Emotional and mental health is incredibly important. Doing regular things to ensure emotional and mental health are supported is of crucial importance. If mental and emotional health are not supported, physical health can suffer. Many times, excessive stress and emotional disarray, can cause physical symptoms and manifestations.

Spiritual health is another very important area to focus on. Many people do not know exactly what spiritual health entails, and assume it just has to do with religion. Although spiritual/religious beliefs are often included in spiritual health, it incorporates so much more. Spiritual health is the focus on having a purposeful and meaningful life, feeling at peace with life, having a positive and optimistic mindset, contributing to society, and helping others, feeling a sense of belonging, and practicing self-care. Spiritual health creates a balance and bridge between the physical, psychological, and social aspects of life, hence the healing of mind, body and soul.

AVA: I believe that you were on the cover of Forbes magazine recently. Congratulations Kristen. Can you tell us about how that came to pass & what your experience was like?

POE: Thank you so much! It is a funny story as to how Forbes came about. I was contacted by a publicist from Forbes on Instagram. I thought it was a scam at first. The publicist was very professional and told me that they had been looking to do an influential women figure article in the health and wellness space. Since functional health is a huge focus, they were looking for women who were passionate in the health and wellness space.

I was so excited and honored, but still skeptical because there are so many scams on social media. The publicist asked for my email and phone number and said she would be in touch. Low and behold, a few days later I received a follow up email from Forbes and a legal contract as well as a follow up phone call. It was super exciting because a few months after the Forbes USA article was published, Forbes Morocco and Philippines all reached out and picked up and featured me as well!

AVA: When You were also recently featured in VOGUE Magazine, Sweden with the headline: Beauty & Brains:

Meet America’s Holistic Beauty Dr. Kristen Poe.

You can contact Dr. Kristen Poe


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You can watch my Ask the Expert interview with Dr. Kristen Poe below


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