A perfect place to watch the sunrise and for stargazing, where the stars and moon are magnified for you to view the majestic night sky. Learn more…
Yoga & Meditation, Love Coaching & much more…
Personal Retreats (including Yoga, Meditation, Hiking & Stargazing) and Intimacy Retreats & much more…
Loveology Retreat’s Mission is “To provide emotional & physical wellness to balance your mind, body & spirit.
Situated on 45 acres in unincorporated Ventura County, this incredible property features Hiking trails, Labyrinths, Koi, Gardens, Stupa and so much more... 360 Views abound!
“This spiritual property was the Pine Mountain Buddhist Temple for the past 23 years, known for Zen Meditation and the residents were Buddhist Monks, who made this place a labor of love by opening their home for Buddhist Teachings, Meditation and Buddhist Festivals. As soon as I met them, I felt an immediate mind, body, soul connection and when they shared their desire to move to a smaller place, I knew this magnificent place would be a perfect mindful living retreat for me to share my knowledge and empower others. The monks left their cats Ivy and Marley and they love interacting with visitors, so I invite you to experience nature in all its glory at the Loveology Retreat." Dr. Ava
Amenities & Activities
Yoga & Meditation
At Loveology, we offer a space to enrich Awareness and Empowerment practices in a peaceful retreat setting on the journey to become a Meditation lover.
In a world that is constantly defined by its state of production and progress, the art of learning Mindfulness is a foundational practice in turning inwards to help us love, heal and find peace of mind.
Take a break from your everyday life and bring your group for an experiential program that you can create for balancing the mind, body and spirit.
Lindy Ann Pearson doing yoga by the Stupa
Hiking Trails
We have 3 different hiking trails for you to enjoy that range from half a mile to 3 miles long if you do all of them: Compassion Trail, Faith Trail, and Peace Hiking Trails. We have a map to help you identify each trail and you can go early in the morning at sunrise when the views are sensational, during the day or at sunset with a picnic, and even a night hike for the adventurous.
Frisbee Golf
We have a Frisbee Golf Course that includes competitive fun and exercise walking around the 45-acre property, great for corporate team building and family fun. Frisbee golf is a flying disc sport in which players throw a disc at a basket to see if they can get it into the hole, with similar rules to golf. We have 9 baskets for a fun game.
Obstacle Course
Enjoy our Obstacle Course with Balance Beam, Hurdles, Tire Run, Rope Wall, Rope Balance, Climbing Wall, Balance Logs, and Tractor Tire Flip for Fun, Agility & Endurance.
Outdoor Area
Outside we have created a Children’s Playground with a Swings Set, Trampoline, a Putting Green, Pool & Hot Tub.
The Funhouse offers an indoor dining area and a recreation entertainment area where you can have fun playing PingPong, Chess, Backgammon, Wall Scrabble, Basketball, Table Foosball or just relax and watch TV.
Fishing, Swimming, Hiking & Bird Watching nearby at Camp Scheideck & Reyes Creek